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From the September 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We are frequently asked the questions, What is new? and What is going on in Boston? with the hope that we shall not be forgotten away off here.

Now, friends, we do not mean to forget you, and will not, if you will remember and do the things which we tell you.

Do you subscribe for the Journal? No. What! a Christian Scientist, and not a subscriber to the Christian Science Journal? How can that be? You may have access to it every month; but if that is all, then you do not have the Journal. You should have it for your own, to refer to for many things,—and often as a guarantee, for people are not apt to doubt what we say, if we can show it to them in print. You want to help support the Journal, and you will find it will help to support you. You can not get so much for two dollars in any other way, as by subscribing for it.

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