Day by day is seen the onward march of Truth. They who have studied deeply into the knowledge of this world, and have worked hard and long in bringing to light the hidden treasures of mortal thought, learning its capacities and its development in different directions, in art, poetry, and music, in the sciences, and the many inventions of the day,—as well as they who are engaged in the most common pursuits,—pause in their busy life. They halt before grand and glorious Truth that reveals to them the greater possibilities of man governed by God, the Infinite Intelligence, which governs all in perfect harmony and Love.
Our Heavenly Father, in His great Love, is making Himself manifest through man as His spiritual idea, the image and likeness of the Maker. Thus Truth is working over and above all mortal thought, asserting its dominion, its superiority, its omnipotence; and Life is seen to be spiritual and eternal, not mortal and material,—because God is the Life of man, and in Him "we live, move, and have our being."
Oh the joy, the peace, the manifold blessings, which come to one whose Life is hid with "Christ in God!"He is with God his Father! All things are his, because he is governed by God, the Infinite Mind. He is ever advancing into higher spiritual perceptions and attainments. He regains his God-given dominion, the liberty of the sons of God; as it is written: