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From the January 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

All true and loyal Christian Scientists should insert their cards in our Journal, so that the public may know who they are.

It was said of the disciples, "that they [the public] took note of them, that they had been with Jesus." The public must soon recognize Christian Science as the only healing power. When this point is reached the public will take note of Christian Scientists, who they are and whence they come.

For the protection of our Cause, and the public generally, students who have not been pupils of Mrs. Eddy, sending in cards for insertion in the Journal, will be required to give the name of their teacher and date of study, though the teacher's name need not, of course, be given in the advertisement. This is essential, as the country is overrun with piratical pretenders, really sailing under false colors, though exhibiting the ensign of Truth.

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