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From the January 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My Dear Madam: Ever since I became a Scientist I have had a desire to let you know that your book has converted a Roman Catholic from the error of his ways. I am a young man, thirty-five years old; and from the age of fifteen, until last winter, I was a firm believer in spinal trouble, neuralgia, and indigestion. A friend here in Cleveland, Ohio, advised me to read Science and Health; and very soon, not only health, but Science, had taken hold of me. You can imagine the prejudices a Catholic must necessarily give up to obtain the least insight into Science. As to Rome, I have nothing to say, for she has no more error, in my eyes, than any other ism. Darkness can not withstand light.

Last May I took a course of lectures. I have had some good demonstrations, and think very much of giving up my whole time to Science. What sublime ideas Christian Science invokes! Each day it brings me something new, something to make me thankful, and happiness and peace I little dreamed I should ever experience on earth.

For years I have knelt before a very material altar, prayed to a materially personal God, and invoked all the saints of the Roman Calendar for health, peace, and light. I have found the blessing at last, but outside of the pale of Rome, away from priest and sacrament. I look forward to the time when I can come to Boston, and take a Primary Course of lessons from you.

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