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From the January 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Until further notice we offer the following premiums for the names of new subscribers to the Christian Science Journal.

On receipt of the names of two new subscribers, and four dollars, we will send, to the person sending the same, one dollar's worth of any of the works advertised in this magazine, which they may select.

On receipt of the names of four new subscribers, and eight dollars, we will send an additional copy of the JOURNAL for one year, free.

On receipt of six names, and twelve dollars, we will send a copy of the latest edition of that elaborate work, SCIENCE AND HEALTH, the standard work on Christian Science Mind-healing.

What is it in a river's flow,
In placid stream or current strong,
That says, e'en to the seas below,
"I have my way — I move along
In course that seems a paradox
To mortals on a mortal shore,
Yet sure and constant as the rocks
That shape that course forevermore."

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