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A Christian Science Hymn Book

From the July 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There is no want in the conduct of Christian Science public and social services more keenly felt than that of a suitable hymn book. At the late meeting of the National Association, the preparation of a hymnal was mentioned as one of the first duties of the Committee on Publication, and of the C.S. Publishing Society, for whose creation provision was made. The best method of realizing this want requires careful consideration, but the following propositions seem fundamental.

(1.) It is desirable that there should be uniformity in the books used for public or social worship.

(2.) Any collection of hymns intended for the general use of Scientists should first be submitted to a critical examination as to its scientific merits. This should not be left to the judgment of any one individual, but should be the work of a committee of competent and disinterested persons.

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