Christian Science Sermons. The Christian Science Publishing Society is preparing to issue a series of sermons on topics of Christian Science for the use of Sunday meetings. These will be selected with a view to the various conditions of thought that have to be met among inquirers and those who have gained some understanding. These with the Christian Science Series and the Bible Leaflets, or Christian Science Bible Lessons, will meet all the requirements of Sunday meetings where there is no preacher, except that for a collection of Christian Science Hymns. This last may be looked for with confidence in the coming Fall.
The Christian Science Publishing Society will be, and the Journal now is, by the wise action of our Teacher, an integral part of the organism of Christian Science. Every individual Scientist lives in their life, grows with their growth, gains power with their power. Let there be no division of resources, no diversion by side issues. Concentration through organization is the secret of power. When this takes place, not for selfish ends, but springs from self-consecration, its power is grand and incalculable, for then it is the expression of infinite forces.
Christian Science stands to-day a living, breathing, speaking organism, complete to mortal sense. In the degree that its members become conscious of this common life, and act in the unity of Spirit, as they rise to the better realization of this divine power, error that clings to its skirts, that speculates on the ignorance and error of mortal mind, will be eliminated, will drop away, vanish into its real nothingness.