In conformity to the desire expressed at the meeting of the National Association, these documents are published below. The forms of cards used for the reports by practitioners of "house" or "outside" treatments; by visitors who go from house to house; as well as of those used for obtaining subscriptions, and those circulated as invitations to the meetings and the Dispensary, are also given. Many useful suggestions may be gained from these papers and forms by those interested in the work. They represent results reached at the Boston Dispensary by much thought, discussion, and experiment.
The Christian Science Dispensary Association was organized May 31, 1889. The Revelator of Christian Science, Mary Baker G. Eddy, places upon it, by her encouragement of its formation, and by accepting the position of Honorary President, the seal of Love and spiritual power.
This Association is under the auspices of the first Church of Christ (Scientist) planted by our Teacher in Boston, and its work is to preach the Gospel of Health and Holiness to every creature, and so to pour oil and wine into the seeming wounds of material sense.