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Separation of Truth and Error

From the July 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The most insidious form of evil—the highest attenuation of error concocted by mortal mind to oppose Christian Science, is that one taught in Chicago and recently illustrated in New York. The teaching and the scandal are related as cause and effect. It is not with personalities we have to do, but with error.

The formula of this error is, "God is all; God is good; there is no evil." So far this is Science. Science adds to this abstract formula, "There is no evil—i. e., evil has no Principle or permanence—but we are in the sense of evil; this sense is a false sense, is error, and our problem is how to work out of the error." Science says we work out of it by uncovering it—the error must be seen before it can be cast out. Science recognizes the warfare that the apostles speak of, the enmity between the flesh and Spirit. It declares, "The way is strait and narrow that leads to the understanding that God is Life. It is a warfare with the flesh, whereby we must conquer sin, sickness, and death, now or hereafter, but certainly before we can reach the goal of Spirit, or Life, as God."—Science and Health.

But error takes up the scientific formula at the point— " there is no evil "—and says, "Therefore there is no evil for you to get out of; all you have to do is to deny its existence." Error does not want to be uncovered, that is what it fears, what it wants is to be denied in this way; for to stop at denial is to confound Truth with error. Science says, "Cast out error;" error says, "Do not see me." Science says, destroy: error says, deny. Science destroys the sense of sin; error teaches man "to sin without a sense of sin."

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