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From the August 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When Ezekiel the prophet was called "Son of Man" and told to hearken to the voice of God, it was said to him: "For thou art not sent to a people of a strange language and of an hard speech, but to the house of Israel." To this "Son of Man" was given but one speech, and that not strange; but one language and that not hard, and he was to guide the House of Israel into but one way and that way was the only way of pleasantness and peace.

Whence comes the present out-cry of ways many? From whence cometh the voice that is enticing the traveller into the broad road that leadeth to destruction? Whence cometh the strange woman that sitteth at the gate with her cups of subtleness and treachery, to woo the seeker after Truth into the false way? And he, being simple in understanding, comprehends not the speech that was not strange, nor the language that was not hard, but falls into the snare not knowing the depths of hell were there.

Look well at the wonderful prophecy recorded in the 9th chapter of Proverbs. See how Wisdom hewed out her seven pillars, and prepared her table with the fruits thereon. Note how the promise is ripe with blessings if we but stand under this banner of wisdom, going not from under these seven pillars, which are the understanding of Principle, Life, Truth, and Love, Spirit, Mind, Soul. The promise to the wise is conditioned on their holding fast to this one way of understanding.

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