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Letters & Conversations


From the August 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"I have never studied, because my belief of deafness has increased under Christian Science, and I have to be written to now almost entirely,—though my health has been marvellously improved. For thirty years I had been a wretched sufferer,— dyspepsia, rheumatism, spinal irritation, with many other ills, accompanied by constant sick and nervous headaches,— these excruciating headaches were enough in themselves. I was depressed and irritable, and became extremely nervous; was just going to the Nervine in Boston, when I heard from a beloved and earnestly devout sister, who had been also an invalid in deep sorrow, to wait and try with her Christian Science,—"it was God's own truth for us now." I waited and from the first treatment there was an uplifting of hope, and at once I was much better. My case has been slow, but always progress— from the first morning I took coffee, and ate just what the family had, and have never known an attack of dyspepsia. I had never slept refreshing sleep, and passed night after night wide awake, though in prayer most of the time. I slept from the first week under Christian Science, and never give the night a thought. I always loved my Saviour, and lived in him yet was always falling down and spent many nights in bitter woe over my failure to growing his likeness. With Divine Science peace has come, and one ill after another has given place to health, and nothing could turn me back. I ask God to bless our Teacher to whom lie first revealed the light of Science.

While coming on slowly to the Light, I have been enabled to sow a little seed by the way, some of which the dear Lord has already blessed to healing of the body, and advancement in the Christ Life.

No joy has ever compared—nor have all the joys of life compared —to that of knowing God has accepted us as His Messengers

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