Dear Brethren.— It is with pleasure that we are able, through the blessing of God, to report to this Association the work of Christian Scientists in Toronto, Canada, About eighteen months ago Brother and Sister Stewart came to our city, and commenced practising Christian Science. For some time they had no opposition, but a number of cases had been so wonderfully benefited that mortal mind was stirred to its depths. The M. D.'s sent out spies in order that they might entrap our brother and sister. Very soon a case was found upon which they commenced legal proceedings against them and two of their students. The magistrate, with very little consideration, imposed a fine upon Brother Stewart of one hundred dollars and costs, or thirty days' imprisonment, and upon the students seventy-five dollars and costs, or three months' imprisonment, with a declaration that Christian Science was a fraud upon the public, and nothing but mesmerism. This decision Brother Stewart appealed against, and took the cases to the High Court of Justice held at Toronto. During the pending of these suits, four others were instituted, two against Brother and Sister Stewart, and two against their students, and seventy dollars and costs, or thirty days' impersonment, were added to the other fines. A few days later the cases were tested before Chief Justice Gait. The justice declared the convictions illegal, with costs against the informers, on the grounds that no medicine had been given to the patients. This was indeed a victory for Truth, and encouragement to the workers in Toronto. Since then harmony has prevailed. "We have forty-seven students, among them preachers, business men, heads of families, and others, all working in Truth. We have a great work; Christian Science has a strong hold. The teachings of Science and Health are adhered to, and we are walking in the way everlasting. Our Association is in a healthy condition. We have seventy-four members, and others coming in. Brother and Sister Stewart's labors have extended to Port Hope, Brockville, Peterboro, Hamilton, Thompsonville, and other places in the Dominion. The people are very much interested and awakened. Our city has one hundred and eighty thousand inhabitants, and we mean that the whole city shall be illumined by the glorious light of Christian Science.