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From the August 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Beatrice is a city of about ten thousand inhabitants, situated forty miles south of Lincoln, the Capitol of the State.

Christian Science came to us in the autumn of 1884. A lady of our City while on a visit in Boston heard of Christian Science, received treatment and was healed. On her return she related her experience to one of her friends; this aroused the curiosity of that neighbor, and in February 1885, he purchased a copy of Science And Health. The possessor of that blessed volume was healed by its study; he in turn related to some of his friends what he had found, and an interest was awakened with others who longed for freedom from the bonds of sickness and discord.

A correspondence was opened with a lady of Boston in the hope of getting understanding in this way, but she replied that it would be necessary to see us in person. Then a Chicago student was heard of, and we tried him with about the same result.

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