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From the August 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the general upheaval and uncovering of error in the past year, every loyal Scientist has learned the significance of the words of our Leader in her address at the Convention in Chicago: "Take the front rank, face the foe, be in battle every day." There have been foes in front, and on either side, but God is ever-present, and He has led us step by step; and when it seemed as if all error had united to uproot Christian Science demonstration and Christian Science teaching from Toledo, faithful obedience to the instruction of our Teacher, enabled us to prove mental assassination a lie, to be neither feared nor honored. "For the Lord, He is God, and there is none beside Him." With this higher consciousness of Truth came the organization of our Association, the establishment of a Reading Room, Dispensary, and Mission Work; and also of Sabbath services and Sunday school, the attendance at which is increasing weekly. The signs of the times are all about us, the healing power of Christian Science is accepted, both in the conscious and unconscious mind, and the earnest inquiry is: "What is the Principle of Christian Science?"

Others, who have received the physical benefits and have said, "I can carry this along with the world," now realize the necessity of obeying the command of our Saviour, "Come out and be ye separate." The leading daily paper that has copied from other papers many articles denouncing Christian Science, has recently published an editorial acknowledging the good that is being done in our city. Science and Health and our Journal are in our Public Library, and we are distributing large numbers of the Series and the Bible lessons in leaflets, in answer to the demand for greater understanding of the subject. A work has been carried on in Jamestown for the past three years, mainly in the direction of charity and mission effort.

Last November the Sunday services were established in Toledo, and more recently the Sunday school, Reading Room, and Dispensary. They are carrying the good tidings into neighboring towns, and making glad the waste places, with their "feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace."

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