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From the October 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Question:—Ought students to continue to organize Churches and Associations?

To organize and support Churches, Sunday Schools, and Students' Associations, as heretofore, is the proper way at present to build up the cause of Christian Science. These means have been blessed, and are being blessed, and there is no occasion for students to abandon them.

Question:— Shall we continue to read in the pulpit, on Sunday, extracts from Science and Health?

If you comply with my terms relative to these Sunday services, published in the August issue of this year's Journal, you should. I have consented to this as above, and see no other causes than those designated in August Journal for changing the form you had already adopted for your Sunday sermons. I gave no permission for you to use my writings as aforesaid, except it be in place of a sermon delivered in your established pulpits.

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