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From the October 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

While sitting in a hotel, in northern New York, one evening in April, 1888, I overheard some gentlemen talking about Christian Science: and the fact that interested me most, was that it healed the sick without medicine. As I never left home, for any length of time, without carrying a small apothecary shop, I was the more in earnest to know how healing could be done without it.

After getting the necessary directions, I started to find a Scientist. I found a very pleasant lady who was ready and willing to tell me, as well as she could in a short talk, the principles of Christian Science. I was very much pleased with what I heard, and before leaving her I engaged her to treat my wife, who greatly needed her help. After going back to the hotel, and thinking over what I had heard, I came to the conclusion that I had found that something, I had been looking for for more than twenty years of Christian work. I was as sure then as I am now that I had found my life work.

All my life I had been a great reader, reading everything that came in my way. I had been reproved by my Pastor for this, but to no avail. The next morning I did not care for my novel. I had something deeper to think about, and found myself wishing for a Bible, which I bought at once. Since that time I have not read one book a year, not relating to Christian Science.

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