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Author of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

From the December 1894 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This article was later republished in Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896: Mis. 310:25-312:9

In this receding year of religious Jubilee, 1894, I, as an individual, would cordially invite all persons who have left our fold, together with those who never were in it, — all who love God and keep His commandments, to come and unite with the Mother Church in Boston. Coming thus they should be welcomed as of old, greeted as brethren endeavoring to walk with us hand in hand as we journey to the Celestial City.

Also, I would extend a tender invitation to Christian Scientists' students, — those who are ready for the table of our Lord. So should we follow Christ's teachings, so bury the dead past, so loving one another, go forth to the full vintage time, exemplifying what we profess. But some of the older members are not quite ready to take this advanced step in the full spirit of that charity which thinketh no evil, and if it be not taken thus, it is impractical, unfruitful, Soulless.

I am not unmindful of the "whisperers," the unspiritual barren minds, breathing hatred and falsehood ignorantly, or maliciously, mentally and audibly, at work on the apathetic consciences — sowing seedlings of strife. Declaring in the dark, "Mrs. Eddy is a tyrant, and she is hurting you shockingly" — words that are vain when themselves know, that as masked murderers, they are seeking to blind the eyes of my students as to their teacher, the sooner to kill them morally and physically.

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