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On behalf of the treasurer of the Mother Church, we take...

From the August 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On behalf of the treasurer of the Mother Church, we take occasion to remind the members of the following resolution passed by the Church Committee on July 25, 1893.

"That every member of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., shall pay a per capita tax annually of not less than one dollar; to be paid on or before October first in each year.

It will be observed that this tax is a yearly one, the purpose of which is to aid in defraying the current expense of the Church. While it is not less than $1.00 per year, it may of course be as much more as the member can afford or sees fit to contribute.

To those applying for membership we wish to say, Do not send your per capita tax until you receive notice of your admission.

Please bear in mind also that all remittances to this fund should be made to the treasurer, Mrs. Mary F. Eastman, C. S. D., 85 Broadway, Chelsea, Mass.

"Not because I desire a gift; but I desire fruit that may abound to your account."—Phillippians iv., 17.

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