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From the August 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Champion

The newspaper press has of late indulged in much sneering at and criticism of Christian Science. Probably the majority of those who most severely criticize it know precious little about its foundation, purposes and results.

The Champion has never carefully investigated the subject thoroughly and never talked with any of its healers, but it personally knows many people of the highest character and broadest intelligence, who have thoroughly, conscientiously investigated that science and say they have been cured of serious maladies by its treatment. On the other hand hardly a month passes that the press does not tell of some life lost under that treatment, and, forthwith, the doctors assail the system as dangerous and wicked.

If when a patient dies a science is proven to be false, what shall be said of the profession and science of physicians and surgeons? If from every tomb could come a voice giving a final analysis of the causes leading up to the hour and article of death, the world would hear such a fearful arraignment of blunders, misdemeanors, and crimes of an established science, that every respectable physician and surgeon in the land would denounce the impostors, quacks and charlatans, who disgrace and dishonor a useful and noble profession.

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