A WRITER on Christian Science has said, "Its Principle is as unrelenting as Sinai's law."
To be honest in Christian Science means much more than is usually implied by the word. In a worldly sense the command "Thou shalt not steal" means simply that we should not appropriate the property of another, but to a Scientist this command means vastly more than that. It takes us into the realm of Mind, and forbids a trespass even upon the thought of another, which should be guided alone by the Mind divine. It demands also that we should not cheat ourselves out of our own inheritance, our "estate of boundless Good," by being faithless stewards over the talents which were given us. the ability to become transparencies of Truth and Love.
It is a form of dishonesty to withhold the homage we should bear our Maker, and which is due to Him alone, by acknowledging a separate power, and bowing down to worldly idols, or to withhold the love we should bear our neighbor, and which is his by divine right. It is with all our heart we are commanded to love the Lord, our God, and our neighbor even as ourselves.