I HAVE to confess that I was never very well educated, and when I have been sent for to treat in highly educated families it has embarrassed me, but I always went. I was called to Huntington, Oregon, where a Mrs. B— had been in the doctor's care for over fourteen weeks. They had sent to other places for doctors and they came, and the order was for the husband to take his wife to the hospital at Portland. A friend said to the husband, "Why not send to Boise for the Christian Scientist who healed me?" This friend was a man who the people said was dying with consumption November last, and in February he was a well and hearty man, weighing 168 pounds. I was sent for and got the message at sunset, and next morning early I took the train for Huntington, getting there at two o'clock, P. M. The woman was in a bad condition. The next morning the doctor came in who had been waiting on her for so many weeks, and he said another doctor had come and he wanted to make another examination. He said he would not interfere with my treatment, that they only wanted to examine her. I said, "No; if I have the case, it is mine''; and he got mad and said there was no principle in that, and said I could stand there and treat her or go into another room. I said: "No, sir; if I have her I will hold the platform." He said that medicine would do the lady no more good, and she must have a surgical operation performed'. The woman agreed with him, and my first thought was to leave the house, but then it came to me when Moses was bidden to come back and handle the serpent he obeyed, and it became a staff in his hand. The doctor got up and left the room, and the patient looked at me as if she would snap my head off. Her husband came in and he sided with me. This made her madder than ever.
Supper time came and her daughter came to the bed and asked her what she wanted for supper. She said, "You know the doctor doesn't allow me to eat anything but baby food." I said, "Oh! you are going by the doctor's directions?" She then said to the girl, "Bring me what you have for supper," and she brought in a plate of pork, kraut, biscuits, gravy, etc., and a cup of coffee. She went to work as though she would eat plate and all. After eating a hearty supper she dropped into a sound sleep. The next morning she awakened after a long night's sleep, and she was a changed woman. She ate her breakfast and dinner, and at supper time she got up, dressed herself, walked to another room, and ate her supper by my side. The house was full of rejoicing. I said: "Give God the glory, not me." The next day when I came back to her house she was at her sister-in-law's house. In twenty-four hours I had twelve more patients in Huntington. I was called there again and went from house to house. It came to me, "Was I that unlearned Mrs. B-that God had sent to break bread to His children?"
At sunset a man came who said he had followed me from house to house to catch me as he wanted me to go to his wife. I went with him and found a skeleton on the side of the bed who hadn't taken a step for over eight months, and that highly-educated doctor had called another doctor, and they had taken her to Portland to the hospital and decided that she had floating kidneys. They opened her on both sides of her backbone, and found to their surprise, a six-months child. After confining her for several weeks — expenses amounting to over $1,000— they sent her home. Her baby was born and it was several months old and she never had as much as changed its clothes herself. The belief of pain set her nearly wild every day. The pain was soon stopped. This was the condition the educated physicians had left her in, and had given her up to die, when I was called to see her. In five days she walked alone, and I received a letter from her recently telling me she was doing all her work out on a ranch for a family of eight. Both of these women have bought Science and Health, and are asking questions all the time. —Boise City, Idaho.