is a delightful book of original verse, commemorating the early memories, and arranged to portray, in natural sequence, the awakening and development of the human affections. It leads the heart upward, step by step, through the various phases of experience, to heights from whose summits man's spiritual sense beholds the promised land of God's love, and realizes, with rejoicing, that fundamental teaching of Christian Science — that Love is the all of life, and is God. With a quickened insight it traces the steps by which the awakened mind reaches a right apprehension of Divinity.
In a specially felicitous verse, "Captive Memories" is dedicated to the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, whose divine thought has been its inspiration, and whose Mother heart its verse most beautifully enshrines. It also contains a thought-portrait of Mrs. Eddy, whom the author never saw.
The author sweeps the chords of tenderness with rare touch; he has produced a book which will recall happy reminiscences, and which will, perchance, betray them to captivity.