Three years ago I was led to Christian Science in search of relief from suffering which had been endured seven years. The venture seemed foolish to those of our household, inasmuch as my claim was not hysteria or hallucination, but an old organic trouble that seemed to defy medical skill. I had suffered so many things of many physicians that I was weary of the old way of seeking health and the conjectures and contradictions of eminent physicians.
Two years previously I had gone to a hospital in Canada and had an operation performed. This had been suggested as the surest way to effect a cure, but fear held me from consenting until suffering compelled me. After so trying an ordeal what a disappointment to find that I "was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse," until the prospect of another visit to the hospital confronted me. Then it was that I heard the still, small voice of Truth, "Why not try Christian Science?" I went to a loyal Scientist, and during the first treatment I found rest. The words "come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" kept with me constantly, and I knew I had found that for which I had been hungering and thirsting all my life, but had failed to find in old theology and materia medica.
With the physical healing came a glimpse of the Truth of Being, and I awoke to the consciousness that I was being "born again." What a glorious freedom to know that I was no longer in bondage to the old traditions and doctrines which fear had tried to force me to believe; but which the heart rejected.