Since my earliest recollection the thought of invalidism has been held over me. All the diseases of my ancestors for generations seemed to be fastened upon me, and I was in the hands of the doctors from babyhood up.
I was told by the learned profession that no power on earth could make me a well, strong woman; that my parents were not well; that I had inherited all this; that I must be patient and make myself as comfortable and happy as I could. My Sunday School teacher would tell me it was God's will, and perhaps he needed me in his home above, and that I must prepare to die. The picture of heaven was drawn, to show me how lovely it would be. Nevertheless I wanted to stay on earth.
So time passed until nine years ago all hopes were lost of my being restored to even partial health, the physicians saying there was a complication of diseases, but the most serious difficulty was a tumor beyond the reach of surgery. As I was failing fast, it was not thought possible I could live longer than two months.