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From the July 1898 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Board of Lectureship makes the following announcement:—

The Church By-Law which instituted this Board, specifies that any church which desires a lecture may apply directly to any one of the lecturers, or may request the Directors of the Mother Church to designate a lecturer.

By this means, provision is made for spontaneous and voluntary action on the part of the churches, and no other methods will be recognized.

If a group of churches situated in a remote locality choose to arrange among themselves for a lecture at each of their respective towns, so as to reduce the average cost for traveling expenses, such concerted action would be legitimate.

If there are isolated or remote churches which cannot make such arrangements, they may make known their desire to Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson, 8 Norway St., Boston, Mass., and the Board will endeavor to respond without incurring unnecessary expense.

The full number of the Board has been completed by the addition of Mrs. Annie M. Knott, C. S. D., 759 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, and Mrs. Sue Harper Mims, C. S., 575 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia.

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