The allusion in your issue of the 8th inst. to the word pantheism in my Message to the Mother Church has arrived late for me to correct it. I am glad, however, to say it was incorrect. I did not write: "Pantheism is derived from Pan, a mythological god." These were my words: "Pantheism is composed of two words, Pan and theism." I happened to know the derivation of this word before my etymology was challenged, and, also, the self-evident fact that the word pantheism is composed as aforesaid.
Pantheism is derived from two Greek words, meaning "all" and "God." Christian Science teaches that God is All-in-all. This would place pantheism within the border line of Christian Science were it not for the equally emphatic declaration in Christian Science that Spirit is infinite, all; therefore, there is no matter.
Pleasant View, Concord, N. H., June 17, 1898.