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From the August 1898 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This maxim is generally supposed to express the power of some physical or material force over a weaker element, in many instances of evil over good. Within the last month, however, I have had a glimpse of what the world will be when the might of divine Principle, Truth, and Love, rules and governs the affections of man—when He whose right it is shall reign." and the brotherhood of man is established.

Two large association, "The Master Car Builders, and "The Master Mechanics," comprising the practical working force of the enormous railway systems of the United States, have held their yearly convention at Saratoga Springs. An important part of the gathering is the "supply men," as they are called, representatives of steel and iron companies, great manufacturing concerns, in fact; those who furnish any part, from a compound locomotive to an oil can, or the most minute parts for equipping and running of railroads and machine shops. They have a fine exhibition, like an Institute Fair, which is most interesting. Inventors bring their latest inventions, that they may be favorably brought to the notice of the men whose dictum makes or mars a fortune. Two years ago, when they met at Saratoga, only two members came to the evening and Sunday services at the Christian Science Rooms. This year there was a large and enthusiastic number at both services. On Sunday evening an informal reception was given the visiting Scientists and their friends. The reception soon resolved itself into a testimonial meeting that gave an enlarged view of what Christian Science does in daily and practical business life. Almost all who spoke were men who had succeeded in life, and who ascribed every good thing to the influence of Christian Science. Presidents or general managers of railroads, men of great business interests and responsibilities, "the busiest men in the world," as some one said, spoke of having Science and Health and other books of our beloved Leader on their office desks, and of using them as the foundation and rule of business life. They take certain specified time each day in their offices for quiet study, or to talk with any one on the subject of Christian Science. From heaping telegrams and letters to the most perplexing complications in business, all were attended to and settled successfully through Divine guidance. One gentleman said that once if a train were late his impatience and nervousness were such that he could not keep still; he just rushed up and down, walking faster and faster as time went on. Now he was never disturbed. He took out his "little book," peace of mind reigned, and all things worked together for Good. Perhaps some one was curious to know what he was reading. He always felt it time gained when an opportunity was given to tell of Christian Science.

It was not alone in Christian Science Rooms or with Christian Scientists, but the divine Principle of this blessed Truth permeated the thought of the whole convention. It was talked of as naturally as was the instruction, pleasure, or business for which they came together. It changed the whole character of the convention. "Never was there a more harmonious gathering, more good will expressed, nor a greater feeling of prosperity." Christian Science is no new thing among these men. For years it has been the keynote of their lives, but now it has come to be a dominant force, "seen and known of men."

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