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From the August 1898 issue of The Christian Science Journal

While Bartimæus, blind and poor, was begging by the way,
The gentle Nazarene passed by, enlightening the day.
"Thou Son of David," cried the wretch, "have mercy upon
The Saviour heard, and asked, "What wilt thou that I do for

"Lord, lift this darkness," he replied; "restore to me my sight.
I know thou hast the power, for art thou not the Son of
"Receive thy sight." the Saviour said; "thy faith hath made
thee whole."
And Bartimæus followed him rejoicing heart and soul.

If we would see the dawn dispel this night that blinds our
When Truth goes by we must beseech as beggars in the dust.
Then, having learned the joy that comes when Truth shall
make us free,
Our duty is to show through love how grateful we can be.

For not alone was Bartimæus joyous in his cure:
Unto his Healer came a joy peace-crowned and spirit-pure.
Our sight restored we too may follow in the Master's train.
And through his promise, give Truth's joy in place of
Error's pain.

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