[The following views of the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy upon the subject of the Trinity, are known to us to be those uniformly held and expressed by her. A reference to her writings will fully corroborate this statement.—Ed. Journal and Sentinel.]
The contents of the last lecture of our dear brother, the Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson, on the subject "The Unknown God Made Known," were unknown to me till after the lecture was delivered in Boston, April 5.
The members of the Board of Lectureship are not allowed to consult me relative to their subjects, or the handling thereof, owing to my busy life, and they seek a higher source for wisdom and guidance. The talented author of this lecture has a heart full of love towards God and man. For once he may have overlooked the construction that people unfamiliar with his broad views and loving nature might put on his comparisons and ready humor. But all Christian Scientists deeply recognize the oneness of Jesus—that he stands alone in word and deed, the visible discoverer, founder, demonstrator, and great Teacher of Christianity, whose sandals none may unloose.