A very severe illness, when a young child left me with many disorders, which I was told would be outgrown. Some of them did disappear, but the most serious remained and increased with my growth. Among them were dyspepsia, with all its train of ills; catarrh of the head, causing discharge from the ear and deafness, for which operations were necessary and very severe treatment of different kinds given; chronic constipation; liver trouble; acidity of the blood, and others. As the years rolled on the conditions grew worse. All that the best medical skill could suggest was tried. I think I have been experimented upon with every known treatment, medicine, hygiene, and food. Climatic changes were frequently tried, only to bring me temporary relief, if any. Then would come long attacks of nervous prostration, which would bring me almost to the fatal point. All this covered a period of over twenty-five years of constant dependence on physicians and material" remedies, and brought me to the autumn of 1897, when a more severe attack than ever left me without hope of ever being well. Then I first heard of, and determined to try, Christian Science, and I am a living witness of the regeneration that an understanding of the Christ-Truth brings to mankind. Catarrh of the intestines was the specific claim for which I was treated, but as I learned my lesson in Truth all the old troubles of years standing came up to be met and destroyed one by one, not only physical, but moral claims, till I was whole. My eye's had been affected by the weakened state of the system, and I had worn glasses for three years; they too were laid aside, with the other material dependencies, and now I can see to read, write, and sew well without them.
New York, N. Y.