I would like to give, in a few words, my experience and that of my family since coming into Christian Science. We had our first experience with it about seven and a half years ago. Our little daughter was then a baby of about six months of age and was troubled with something' of the nature of asthma, having great difficulty in breathing. We tried two different physicians, but they were unable to help her. A friend then suggested Christian Science to us and we tried it, and after two treatments the trouble disappeared as if by magic. Having such results it would naturally be expected that we would investigate and try to understand Christian Science, but we did not seem to have the desire, and almost forgot all about it.
A couple of years later our little son, aged ten years, became sick with a belief of diabetes. The same kind friend who had recommended Science for the baby asked us to try it this time, but we said that we could not do it for him, as this was something incurable, and we certainly must be doing something in a material way. The result was that he passed on. Since then we have known more than one case of the same disease successfully treated by Christian Science.
My wife, who had been for years in poor health owing to the loss of our son, became worse, and the physicians having given us very little hope of her recovery, she took Christian Science treatment and improved from the first, being soon restored to the best of health.