I have been delicate all my life, four times have been given up by the doctors. I was pronounced consumptive and had heart trouble and eczema from birth; the latter made me quite blind for a long time when a child. Lastly I had been under an operation for hernia, from which no one ever thought it possible for me to recover. I cannot tell the tenth of what I have gone through, but this I wish to say, I thought God sent my affliction, and that for my good, and my duty was to bear it as patiently as possible and accept all the means offered to me. This I honestly did. I went to hospitals and convalescent homes, and carried out the doctor's instructions as best I could, but they could do nothing for me. My doctor was very kind and attentive to me, and so was his assistant. I must say I have great cause to thank them one and all, as well as the nurses. I trust I may never miss lending them a helping hand, if opportunity should offer. All was done for me that possibly could be done, but the doctors plainly told me I should never be able to work for myself.
In this condition Christian Science came to me. I was glad to give it a trial. A friend told me she had been treated for indigestion and was quite cured, and could eat anything. I had seen much of her, and knew she had been a victim to indigestion. Christian Science seemed strange to me, and I could not see how I could be helped. I said, "There is no help for me as I have no money, so I must make the best of the place I am in." To my surprise she wrote to a healer, and by return mail I received a letter asking if I really wished to be treated. I was too ill to write more than a few lines to say how grateful I should be if she could help me. I thought Christian Science sounded good, but doubted its ability to help me in regard to my health. In reply I received a very encouraging letter, saying that God never intended me to suffer like this, and other comforting words, taken from that blessed book, the Bible, and stating that she had begun to treat me.
This seemed like a dream to me, but I have found it was the first gentle rap to wake me out of sleep, out of the physical sense of things. The work was rather slow, as I always want to prove things, and Christian Science will stand the test. My one desire is that I may be found faithful. I have misunderstood divine Love many times, to my shame and sorrow, but I am glad to say I cannot live without Christian Science, neither do I wish to. "I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness." My only help has been absent treatment, the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and other of Mrs. Eddy's writings, and Journals. My dear, loving healer has worked hard and honestly to show me the right path. She has always set the golden treasure, our dear Bible, first. I am a poor woman and have had no schooling. When Christian Science was beginning to dawn on me, I remember so well saying, "It is too high for me; I cannot attain to it." Now my prayer is that I may live faithfully according to what I have, so God will give me more. It is between three and four years since I first heard of it, and I have not had one hour in bed, since about three months after my first treatment, except at night, and the nights have been very short sometimes, for I have to do nearly all my study and devotion to God when others are in bed, as I do all my own work. We are four in family, have a sub-postoffice and a basket-making business. We are very reduced in circumstances. So you see God does all things well. He sent Christian Science to us when sorely needed. My dear mother was very much afflicted and had lain in bed a great part of her time for many years. When I was getting well under Christian Science, she expressed a wish that she might be helped. I asked if I should help her as I had already helped my little niece, who was staying with us because of ill health, and in less than a week she was up and she has not had a day in bed since. My niece is well too. She has temptations sometimes, but is quite able to help herself now. I have helped her through many troubles, once through diphtheria. I also helped a little girl of six who was in intense agony with toothache. In about ten minutes the pain ceased and we sang hymns from the "Christian Science Hymnal." Three times the temptation came and she ran for help. We have not heard anything about it since. She had been under the doctor before she came to me, and was told she would have to have the teeth out. My mother has been cured of eczema, liver complaint, constipation, and bunions, and her sight and hearing are much improved. She is ten days older than our Queen. I have been cured of fainting-fits caused by heart-disease, eczema, consumption, and hernia, and this is not half. What it has done for me spiritually, neither I nor my mother can express. The Bible is worth much more since we had Science and Health; we find a balm for every sorrow. I can prove what the dear Mother says, "It makes man better morally, physically, and spiritually."—Beeston, Eng.