Fifteen years ago Christian Science treatment was suggested to me as a means of relief from a nervous trouble that had held me in bondage for several years. During the period of treatment, which lasted almost three weeks, I asked the Scientist but one question: "If God is a loving Father and infinitely able to do all things, why did He make me sick?" I had asked this question before, of a physician and of a clergyman, and had received in substance the reply, "I do not know." The Scientist in reply said, "God never made you sick. If He had done so, man could never heal you. God made you well, and a knowledge of this destroys sickness." In a few days I found she must be right, because I was well. From that day to this, through all the stress of human experience, that pain and weakness have never returned.
During the year following I gradually lost the use of my right hand and wore a tight bandage on the wrist. Believing then that Christian Science had healed me of a nervous trouble but could be of no avail in a surgical case, my wrist was cared for by a surgeon with the result at the end of a year, that I was burdened with an almost useless hand and a verdict of "incurable." I then asked a Christian Scientist if she could help me, thinking only of relief from pain. Being assured that I could be helped, I took off the bandage one night, asked for treatment, and the next morning found my wrist perfectly well, a condition which has been proven permanent.
About a year later my eyes began to trouble me. I had worn glasses for several years for astigmatism, but now, even with glasses, my eyes gave me pain. When the oculist put on the glasses I had asked him, "If God is infinitely able to do right, why did He deliberately create me with defective eyes?" He said he did not know. So when my eyes began to hurt me again, I remembered that such a question had once been answered for me, and I went again to a Christian Scientist. Her reply to the question about my eyes was, "God never did such a thing. All that He created is perfect." I took off the glasses, asked for treatment, and at the end of a week found all discord gone and I have never again felt any need of glasses. Some months later I had an attack of quinsy, a trouble to which I had been subject. On these occasions I had always believed that quick, vigorous measures must be adopted, but this time the suggestion that a doctor be called immediately did not meet with favor. I wanted a Christian Scientist, giving as a reason that I felt sure that Christian Scientists had some way to praying by which their prayers were answered, and I would rather trust that kind of prayer than medicine. The one treatment destroyed that disease for me.