When I decided to give Christian Science a trial, three years ago, I was almost a wreck, physically and mentally. I took up the study of Science and Health, wrote for absent treatment, and in less than two weeks felt like a different woman—hardly knew myself—light-hearted, happy, able to work—something I had not been able to do most of the winter. I was taken up on the mount of transfiguration, but like the disciples of old, had to come down again, to work my way up the narrow path step by step, if I would follow the footsteps and commands of the Master, Christ Jesus.
Were all the claims met at once? No; not by any means. As I wrote my healer (whom I had never seen) I was diseased from head to foot, hardly an organ in my body that did not seem to be diseased or affected, besides general nervous debility. I had never seen a well day in all my life, some of the chronic claims having kept me company from childhood up. I was subject to very severe and frequent attacks of headache, both sick and nervous, mainly caused by my eyes, as I was told in later years.
Then for years I wore glasses, both smoked and clear, for far-sightedness, astigmatism, weakness, etc. They were quite a relief, and I thought and was told I could never again do without them; even then I had to be careful about using my eyes, and for a long time could not read at all. In addition to the annoyance of the glasses, their use was quite expensive, for they were never really satisfactory, and had frequently to be changed.