I should like to tell what a wonder Christian Science has wrought in me. I had been a sufferer with rheumatism for five years, had tried everything I could hear of, electric batteries, belts, and liniments, hot and cold, of every name and nature, besides having employed several doctors. But I grew worse all the time. I would be confined to my bed for weeks together, not able to raise myself without help.
I had lost almost all feeling in my right leg and it had grown shorter than the other. I had grown worse so fast this summer, that I was a mere skeleton, and suffered so severely that I wished many times for death to relieve me. If I walked at all it was with two canes most of the time.
I had become almost desperate, when my sister-in-law came to visit us, and told us of Christian Science. We wrote to a healer in Omaha, Neb., for treatment.