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Testimonies of Healing

It is nearly five years since I became interested in Christian Science...

From the September 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is nearly five years since I became interested in Christian Science and about three years since I became a member of the Mother Church.

Christian Science has brought me out of a long life of despair and suffering, and it is out of gratitude to God and in the hope that this experience of mine may help some poor mortal out of self-imposed bondage, that I am writing this testimonial. When I came into Christian Science I found myself in a deplorable condition physically and mentally, but through this healing and uplifting Truth, slowly, yes, but surely, disease after disease has disappeared. First diarrhoea of twenty years' standing, then catarrh of the nose and throat pronounced incurable. Still there was another disease much greater, a product of sin. I had help from a dear brother Scientist, and after a prolonged struggle, I have gained the mastery over the cause that was wrecking body and mind.

There are still other notes of discord, but of this I am sure, that as reformation goes on they will vanish into their native nothingness. It is this sustaining Truth that helps me daily on, for I have trials, but in them I see God's loving care leading me onward to victory, for God is ready to help us, and He will never allow us to be tried beyond our strength. Thanks to this demonstrable Truth for the happy change it has brought into my consciousness, the gradual dispelling of fear, superstition, hatred, malice, revenge, leaving in its place more trust in God, more love for my fellow-men, more patience, and an abiding conviction that by right doing through Christian Science understood, a sure reward is bound to come, and man at last will awake in the image and likeness of God, eternal Harmony or Heaven will be realized. Is it necessary to speak of the impersonal love, of the strong debt of gratitude that I feel for our dear Mother in Israel? Christ said: If ye do love me keep my commandments. So let the fruit bear testimony. My uplifting is its strongest witness. I am a sailor, a Slav by birth, so English is not my language and what I know of it I have learned by reading and much of it through Christian Science literature.—

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