I would like to tell you of a demonstration which I had a year ago. I was very sick and the doctor said I had rheumatism of the heart, and told mamma I must not go to school or run and play. If I had the best of care I would outgrow it in a few years. I am twelve years old now.
My sister had been healed of several claims through Christian Science so mamma thought she would try it for me. We sent for a healer; she could not come that day but she gave me a treatment and the next day she came out to the house, and in the afternoon I went with mamma to do her shopping. I walked and it was quite a long way from the house.
I only had three treatments and was entirely well. I ha e not missed a day of school since. Mamma got me a wheel and I rode all summer. I am very grateful to my healer and Mrs. Eddy for the Truth. I attend the third church. We are in the new church and it is a beautiful structure of Truth and Love.