My wife was for over twelve long, desolate years a sufferer with so-called nervous prostration, locomotor ataxia, Bright's disease, and paralysis that deprived her of the use of both eyes, right arm, hand, and leg; and finally she was declared by a council of physicians hopelessly insane with but a few days to live. In this dark and wretched condition, Christian Science found us; God sent His messenger of hope and blessing to us, and we at last found peace, comfort, and health, with an abundance of true happiness.
Under the treatment of a Christian Science practitioner, my wife regained her health so rapidly that within ten days she left her bed, and her home in Elmira, N. Y., and went for a visit with her aunt to Scranton, Pa., a distance of one hundred and twenty miles. She continued Christian Science treatment exclusively, and with the assistance of a wheel-chair and a pair of strong arms, she got to and into the Christian Science Church at Scranton. Within a few weeks the chair and assistance were gladly discarded, she being able to walk freely to and into the church. She now enjoys excellent health and is most grateful and happy.
After being myself helped, both physically and morally, through Christian Science, I am now, after over twenty-five years of careless living, for the first time in fifty years, a member of a church. As I look back upon my past life and contrast it with my present, it is with much gratitude to God, and thankfulness to Mrs. Eddy, that we have received such great blessings and enjoy so much comfort and happiness through our understanding of Christian Science.