I make the statement boldly, without fear of contradiction, that every person when seriously ill desires to have the services of the best healer obtainable. How are we to judge? The most feasible way, it seems to me, is to ascertain what system of healing is furnishing the most satisfactory results from the application of its rules and laws in the treatment of disease.
Can we find a physician who will name to us a specific within the whole range of materia medica, for the cure of one single disease? I think not. This being a fact, is it not a whole sermon in itself? There can be no surety in any case, no guarantee from the past that certain physiological effects will follow the administration of the prescription. I know of no drug having the qualities or properties requisite to heal poverty at the same time that it heals disease. Christian Science has demonstrated its worth in that direction in numberless cases.
Materia medica makes no pretension of banishing sin, sorrow, hate, malice, envy, revenge, lust, hypocrisy, or ingratitude; but the Christian Science method is daily proving its beneficial results in annulling these various evil conditions. "A wholesale system of healing," you may say; that is just what Christian Science is. Its leaven works throughout the whole system; that it may be cleansed and made pure and whole. To the materialist this may be a startling proposition, but to those who have proved it in their own experience, it is a blessed and undeniable Truth.