Our little boy four years old was placed under Christian Science treatment for what materia medica would probably pronounce catarrhal fever. He cared for no food but milk, would leave his play to lie down and sleep a great deal of the time.
Throughout one night he was delirious, and his skin was as hot to the touch as it is possible to imagine flesh could be. He was treated from Sunday night until the following Tuesday noon, when Truth was completely proved for him, and he became his natural self again, eating a hearty dinner and showing hardly even a suggestion of weakness. This was the next day after the night of delirium, and not one symptom ever returned, His quick recovery without a single material aid of any sort, is to us a proof that what is not good is not real. We feel very grateful also to the dear friend whose understanding that God is all was clear enough and strong enough to bring about such a beautiful demonstration.—Laurel, Miss.