For many years I was a great sufferer from stomach trouble and various other complaints, being confined to my home at times for days and oftentimes weeks. Of all men I was most miserable. My sickness, it is needless to state, was a great trial to my wife and family.
My attention was called to Christian Science after having exhausted every material remedy without benefit. I received but three treatments. I had not partaken of any food except rice water for ten days previous to my first treatment, and was in a most deplorable condition.
After the second treatment I partook of as hearty a meal as I have ever eaten, without any ill effects. I have continued to eat heartily ever since, a condition of affairs I had not known since boyhood, and had never hoped to realize. This was in July, 1900, and to-day I find myself still in a perfect state of health and have no thought of any other condition. Health and happiness have been restored to our home where before sickness caused much sorrow, I can further affirm with many others that the physical healing that comes through this wonderful understanding of Truth as taught in Christian Science is the least it offers to mankind.