Several years ago, while suffering from extreme nervousness, I went to a Christian Science healer hoping to find relief. I had acquaintances who were Scientists, but knew so little of what true Christian Science is, that I thought it only possible to receive help for so-called mental troubles.
I was also suffering with a physical difficulty which caused severe pain from time to time, and for which I could find no material remedy. At first I did not think it worth while to mention this trouble, as I thought it would not be possible to receive help for a real case of disease; but I finally decided to speak of it, and to my great surprise and joy received instantaneous relief during the next attack of pain. Although the complete healing of this difficulty has been slow, I am grateful for the understanding I have gained, through the constant effort to see the reality of peace and harmony which are the manifestations of the one Infinite Mind, and the consequent unreality of disease and discord.
There have been times of discouragement over other seemingly difficult conditions, especially after reading and hearing of the many quicker demonstrations which have been made by others. But I am proving daily that persistent, sincere acknowledgment of God as all that Christian Science teaches him to be, does bring us up out of these dark experiences into the light of Truth.