For over twenty years I was a sufferer from headaches, which were always several days in duration and so severe as almost to paralyze me. I was sometimes delirious for twenty-four hours before relief came. I have been treated by numerous physicians who, while doing all they knew in their kindest way, failed to relieve me—each doctor having a different opinion as to the cause. After submitting to the knife I was comforted by the thought expressed by the last attending physician, that a few years would end it all, for death was preferable to such suffering, though I had a husband and daughter to leave.
I was a Christian and felt resigned to what I thought was God's will; but alas! how little I knew of Truth and Love.
Three years ago I commenced to study "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," but did not make much progress, not understanding the Love therein; but a great desire for Truth and relief led me to persevere, and in the last few months I have made rapid progress.