I am nineteen years old and had worn a truss as long as I can remember, my mother having told me that the trouble which required its use dated back to my birth. I could not be without it for one hour, as severe pain would set in, and my greatest wish had always been that I might be freed from this trouble without having to undergo an operation. In July, 1909, I came from Germany to stay with my aunt, through whom I had often heard about Christian Science; and I asked her to give me treatment. She did so, with the result that I was healed, and have had no use for the appliance since. A deep indentation in the flesh which resulted from its use is now filled up almost entirely.
I am very thankful to God for having been shown the way to Truth, and I am also grateful to dear Mrs. Eddy. I shall study Science and Health diligently, in order to acquire a better understanding of the truth contained therein.— Montclair, N. J.