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[Written for the Journal]


From the May 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Be jubilant, ye people,
And magnify His name!
Rejoice! Rejoice with singing;
His majesty proclaim!
From Egypt's darkest thralldom
He set His people free;
He led them out of bondage
O'er mountain, plain, and sea.
With majesty He led them;
They knew His guiding hand:
Obedient to His guidance,
They reached the promised land.

Be jubilant, ye people;
Oh, magnify His name!
Rejoice! Rejoice with singing;
His majesty proclaim!
From error's darkest thralldom
Our God can set us free.
With majesty He guides us
O'er error's raging sea.
His mighty presence leads us;
We clasp His guiding hand.
Obedient to His guidance
We wait His loved command.

Be jubilant, ye people;
Oh, magnify His name!
Rejoice! Rejoice with singing;
His majesty proclaim!
One Mind, one law, upholds us;
One Principle divine.
Where shadows seem to gather,
The light of Truth shall shine.
Our Father, God, is guiding,
As Love, throughout all lands.
In harmony and safety
His church triumphant stands.

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