It is several years since the glorious truths of Christian Science were presented to me, and I have long desired to give my testimony of gratitude for the many blessings received.
From early childhood I had a strong belief in the power of evil, along with intense fear. There was the fear of false theology, with its terror of eternal torment; fear of storms, accidents, sickness, and discord of every nature. Indeed, fear claimed to govern my every thought. Thus I grew up, ever seeking peace of mind through study of the Bible and various other religious studies, and for health through first one school of healing and then another. When the need seemed greatest, I was led to try Christian Science. Through its blessed teachings I learned of the God of love, "who healeth all thy diseases" now—not hereafter. I have been healed of many ills, including a distressing stomach and bowel trouble and a sense of weariness and physical weakness. Much of my fear was destroyed through the understanding that "there is but one creator and one creation," as Mrs. Eddy says on page 502 of "Science and Health with Key' to the Scriptures."
Many healings of others have also taken place in our home. My husband was healed of lumbago in one day; my daughter, who was a nervous little girl, was healed of serious throat and ear trouble, and is now a strong young woman. Heavy colds, lasting the greater part of each winter, have been overcome, and in many ways a sense of discord is being replaced with a sense of harmony. Words are inadequate to express my gratitude for these healings; but deeper still is my gratitude for spiritual uplifting and my changed concept of God.