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Testimonies of Healing

[Original testimony in French]

Christian Science found me...

From the April 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science found me, according to the doctor, in a dangerous, even hopeless, condition after such a hemorrhage from my lungs that I lost the feeling of life; but I had no fear of death. My old nurse, seeing this state of things, offered to ask a Christian Science practitioner for help. She did not know exactly what this Science was, but she understood that Christian Scientists healed by prayer. After the practitioner's visit I had faith in my recovery, and I whole-heartedly followed the light of Christian Science teachings. When lying alone I read the Bible all the time. Some days later I began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, but then my eyes became so swollen and sore that I could scarcely see who came into my room. When the practitioner called on me that day our conversation could not be carried on easily because of the presence of two other persons in my room, so she only told me not to fear, for this sickness was a lie, and that I should just continue to read; and she said that she would go home and treat me at once. Half an hour later the persons in my room noticed with astonishment that my eyes were open, the swelling had disappeared, and I could read. This was in late autumn. The doctor had told me that I should not be able to leave my room until spring. But I threw away the remedies, and thanks to Christian Science in two or three weeks I could walk to the practitioner's house to assist at the Sunday service. Since then I have regularly studied the Lesson-Sermons and assisted at the services.

Some time ago, when I was in a very difficult financial position, I called on the practitioner again. She encouraged me, and showed me a passage in Science and Health which brought such light and peace to my heart that when I came home and found an offer of a job it seemed to me quite natural. Some months later I was discharged. For a moment I felt some bitterness, because it was my only financial aid. But immediately came the thought that "all things work together for good to them that love God," and that more leisure would give me the time to study Science more, and that surely God was preparing a better way for me. Again I asked for help, and three days later I received a message inviting me to take the same job again.

I am very grateful for my healings, and for the love and devoutness of the practitioner, who opened to me the blessed way to Christian Science, where I am learning to know God as the Father, ever near and full of love for His children, giving them always all that they need. And I am deeply grateful to Mrs. Eddy for having given us Science and Health to comfort and to save humanity. My desire is that I may know more of this helpful light, in order to be able to serve better in this great movement for the good of all mankind.—

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