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Testimonies of Healing

For the many infallible proofs I...

From the April 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For the many infallible proofs I have had of the healing efficacy of Christian Science I am profoundly grateful. When Christian Science found me I was so full of grief and resentment that had it not been for what others might have thought I should have tried to end it all; but, thank God, I was led into the truth.

I "had suffered many things of many physicians,... and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse" until, when the truth found me, I was indeed at my extremity. "Man's extremity is God's opportunity" was true in my case. It was three years before the sense of grief was overcome, and eight years before the sense of resentment was destroyed.

The physical healings came unnoticed. However, one by one they came to light and brought a great sense of gratitude. Among the healings were those of defective eyesight and the need for glasses; an open incision which had failed to heal following an operation for hemorrhoids three years before, and two serious hernias which were believed to be hereditary. Also, I learned to control and use my hands, the outside bones of which had been severed and had never joined together properly, being held in place by ligaments and flesh only. Fainting spells were overcome, and, although I had been given only a short time to live, I have for the past fourteen years found Christian Science ever operative and demonstrable when properly applied, and I am enjoying my birthright of dominion. The healings I have mentioned all came through an earnest study of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. The obviously mental difficulties were more stubborn and required the aid of experienced Christian Scientists.

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