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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to express my gratitude...

From the April 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me and mine. Over thirty-three years ago a neighbor, who was then a stranger to me, gave me my first Journal and Sentinel. Only a few days before I had returned home from a near-by city where I had been examined for what the family doctor thought was bad lungs. After the examination I was told as gently as possible that three years would be the length of my stay on earth if I remained in this climate. I knew at once that we could not move to any other place, and how to begin to think of leaving our three little girls I did not know.

From early childhood I had learned that I should pray to God, but it was never made clear to me why I should, when God never seemed to answer my prayers. I did pray now. I asked God to teach me how to pray. It was at this time that the neighbor brought me hope. I read the Sentinels first, and had not read long before I knew that the truths contained therein were what I needed. I read them over and over. When my neighbor came in again and found with joy that I had read the literature, she talked to me about God, and I soon saw that my concept of God was incorrect. She brought me the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, which at first I was too weak to hold. I grew stronger day by day and could walk about the house a bit. I do not think there was a practitioner here at that time; if so, I did not learn of any. The textbook was my constant companion, and hope such as I never had had before was mine.

The pathway from sense was frightfully rugged, and being a pioneer in my home city, I encountered much opposition. I am grateful to God that I could hold on in spite of opposition, and when the mist cleared I could see His unfailing care. I am more grateful for what this study did for my understanding of God and man than for the physical healing; there must be a putting off of the old before the new can be realized. The years that have followed since this first healing have brought us many proofs of God's protection and a realization that He is as close to us as our thinking.

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