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Testimonies of Healing

It is truly an inspiration to read...

From the April 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is truly an inspiration to read the testimonies in the Journal and Sentinel. Realizing that my own experiences may be of help to someone who is seeking the truth, I will relate some of them. Having been healed of chronic tonsillitis, also of periodical sick headaches, through reading the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, I continued its study and application to all my ills as well as those of my family; and we have had many healings: pneumonia, diphtheritic scarlet fever, typhoid fever, goiter, influenza, as well as many so-called children's contagious diseases, have been quickly overcome through Christian Science treatment.

One healing stands out in memory —that of a severe case of blood poisoning which seemed slow to yield to the truth. The infection started in my finger and quickly spread to my right hand and arm, which were very painful and very badly swollen. In about six weeks the upper part of my arm opened and discharged, relieving the pain; but the dropsical condition still remained and had spread over the entire body, making me practically helpless. I was removed from my home in a little town to the home of a daughter and Christian Science treatment was continued, although my friends insisted that I should never return alive. I began to improve immediately, and at the end of six weeks was able to make the return journey alone, entirely healed.

Since our first healings, in 1915, we have relied on Christian Science alone, never taking medicine or employing a physician. I am very grateful to the loving practitioners who have aided us in proving the truth, grateful for the literature, for class instruction, and to our dear Leader, who discovered this healing truth; also grateful for the constant desire to understand and express more of the truth in my daily living.—

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